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Peace of Mind for Your Loved Ones

With an ageing population and improvements in diagnosis, dementia is something that will almost inevitably affect us all, either personally, professionally or both.

tinytags want to support families, so we have worked with care providers to create a solution which provides peace of mind for loved ones. Explore our dementia safety keychains today.

Providing peace of mind for the whole family.

It is important for people living with dementia to stay active and feel safe in their community.

Growing numbers of people with memory loss can get confused and lose their bearings when out and about. They will often turn to the public for directions but may struggle to articulate where they need to go or who to call for assistance. 

Helpful family member with older member of family suffering with dementia. dementia safety keychains

How can tinytags help?

Purple tinytag keychain, for lost children, vulnerable adults and personal items. dementia safety keychains.

Made for families:

I know all to well the feeling of worry that spreads across the whole family when a loved one is missing or doesn’t return home when expected.

tinytags hold important contact information which can be viewed on a smart phone.  No App, Just tap.

tinytags are lightweight and waterproof and can be attached to clothing loops, zips or even on important items like house keys.

Peace of mind:

Police are using NFC Tags Like tinytags to Support Communities with Dementia. These initiatives vary by location but awareness is UK wide.

Information can be accessed by a smartphone so members of the public can help in moments of need. 

The ability to quickly access vital contact information through a simple tap of an NFC tag can be a lifeline in emergency situations and significantly improve the safety and well-being of those living with dementia and other conditions that may increase their vulnerability.

tinytag software showing map locating lost children and people. dementia safety keychains
tinytag scan screen. Quickly obtain contact details in the event of an emergency

tinytags offer unique features and are easy to use:

We have consulted with care givers to create a solution that provides peace of mind to vulnerable individuals and their family members. With our products you control your data. Which means there are no forms to update and send off – You can update or amend phone numbers or the notes section in the members login screen which update immediately.

Three steps to being reunited. Simply tap, click and call

Smart technology for a safer tomorrow

just a tap away


Simple pricing, no hidden fees
£ 14
One fee, forever!
  • tinytag profile with editable contact details
  • GPS location alerts
  • Emergency contact details
  • SMS scan alerts
  • No expiry, or hidden fees!

Helpful Links

Alzheimer’s Society:

Dementia UK:

Alzheimer’s Scotland:

Dementia Tip Share:

Innovations In Dementia:

Work with us - tinytags in your community

We work with businesses to help vulnerable adults in their care. If you interested in these products and would like further info, please 

contact us

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