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Keep Your Little Adventurers Safe: Recognizing Head Injuries and Helmet Habits

April 8, 2024


As parents, we want nothing more than for our children to explore the world with boundless energy and a smile on their faces. Whether it’s whizzing down the street on a scooter or mastering the art of rollerblading, seeing them embrace these activities brings pure joy. But with all that exploration comes the potential for bumps and scrapes, and sometimes, head injuries.

Knowing how to recognize a head injury is crucial. Here are some key symptoms to watch out for:

  • Vomiting more than once
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
  • Changes in behavior
  • Drainage of clear fluid from the nose or ears
  • Loss of balance or coordination

If you notice any of these symptoms after your child sustains a head injury, seek medical attention immediately.

Prevention is Key: Make Helmets a Must!

Many head injuries are preventable by ensuring your child wears a properly fitted helmet every single time they ride a bike, scooter, skateboard, or rollerblades. According to the NHS:, around 230,000 children attend A&E in the UK each year for head injuries. A helmet can significantly reduce the risk and severity of head injuries.

tinytags: Your Little Adventurer’s Safety Net

Even with precautions, accidents can happen. That’s where tinytags come in! Our smart gadgets provide peace of mind by displaying vital information like your child’s name, allergies, and emergency contact details. It’s a tinytags product that can make a big difference in an emergency situation.

First Aid for Minor Cuts and Scrapes

For those minor scrapes that come with exploring, I spoke to Sammy Davies, also known as @happyheartsfirstaid on Instagram.

When I asked Sammy what to do in an emergency situation she advised “Remembering to keep as calm as possible in the event of injury or emergency is absolutely vital. Our children pick up on the tones of our voices, and using a calm voice will reassure your child and make the situation easier to manage.”

Sammy is a first aid expert and mum who offers fantastic online courses – The Friendly First Aid Mum Online courses for awesome parents – to help parents feel confident handling little emergencies. Her courses cover everything from baby and toddler first aid to dealing with cuts and grazes, and importantly, what to do in the event of a head injury. You can find out more about the courses on her page.

Here’s a quick rundown on how to handle minor cuts and scrapes:

  1. Stop any bleeding by applying gentle pressure with a clean cloth or sterile bandage from your first aid kit. (You can even use a sanitary pad if necessary)
  2. Clean the wound with clean water and mild soap.
  3. Decide on closure. Tiny cuts might not need stitches, but for larger ones, consult a medical professional.
  4. Apply a sterile dressing to protect the wound from infection this could be a plaster for a minor scrape or graze.

By combining helmet habits, tinytags for emergencies, and basic first aid knowledge, we can empower ourselves to keep our little adventurers safe while they explore the world. Thanks to Sammy @happyheartsfirstaid for her valuable insight.

Written by Katie Green, Founder tinytags

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